Monday, February 21, 2011

English Alive is on Facebook now!

The second semester is now underway, with the reports cards all written and signed and only the collection to occur. Pupils generally did well in their exams as a whole, with a few kids needing to be referred to the learning support division.

The great news is that we now have our latest volunteer – Paula from the USA. She visited Ethiopia four years ago and decided to come back to explore the country once again as well as work for a couple of weeks at the school. As well as being a great teacher, she is an expert at fundraising and thus has amazing fundraising ideas the whole time. I literally walk around with pen and paper so that I can jot down the ideas as they come ! It is wonderful to find someone so knowledgeable about it all since it gives you a new lease of life. It is hard sometimes trying to fundraise and easy to get dispirited when no one donates, but with these new amazing ideas I think we will be more than successful !

As a result, the first idea that I want to share with you is our new face book face !!! – it is called Ethiopian Schools for the poor – English Alive Academy – although not yet full of information ( being only 1 day old ! ) it is coming on and will soon be fantastic !!!

In addition, we now have a wish list on where people who want to send us something but don’t really want to send cash can send books. Postage worldwide is free ! – so books range from about $3.45 onwards ! The account is in the name of englsihaliveethiopia with the password being – englishalive and the address to send them to being : Dawit Hailu , PO Box 170222, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA.

To make a purchase simply log in , choose from the wish list and go from there !

It is so very exciting to be moving forwards with everything, with the application for the charity now being resubmitted with the minor changes required altered. So, fingers crossed and who knows – by the next blog we could be a fully fledged charity !!!!!!

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