English Alive Academy, Nazret, Ethiopia |
How the school survives
With subsidized or free school tuition and no governmental financial support, English Alive Academy relies on donations, grants, and volunteer services to survive.
For most of the school's eight-year existence, all of Stephanie and Dawit's work for the school was unpaid. Stephanie worked at international schools to support the family, and she and Dawit donated approximately half of her salary to sustain the school financially.
To achieve their educational vision for poor children in Ethiopia, Stephanie and Dawit have recently taken a leap of faith. Both now devote themselves full-time to the school, trusting that people will support their unwavering vision.
Why the school needs your financial support
English Alive Academy needs your financial help to:
- Continue providing high-quality education to almost 200 poor children in Nazret
- Add grades 5 through 12
- Buy land on which to build classrooms for pre-school through 12th-grade
- Build a dormitory to house poor children who live too far from Nazret to commute
- Increase the school's capacity to serve more children
- Pay a sustainable wage to teachers and staff
- Develop specialized programmes for children with special learning needs
How you can help
The school welcomes one-off or monthly donations. You may donate in any of these ways:
Please made payable to “ English Alive Academy “ and send to :
English Alive Academy, 5 Westbourne Street, Hove, East Sussex, BN35PEOnline one-off donation with British pounds
Online one-off donation with US dollars via Paypal
Set up a subscription for monthly recurring donations with US dollars via Paypal
Thank you!
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English Alive Academy, Nazret, Ethiopia |